
Monday, March 30, 2015

Persuasive Writing Can Taste Good!

On our first day back from track out, one of the things we discussed was persuasive writing and how authors try to get you to act or feel a certain way towards a topic. We decided to try writing a persuasive writing piece about why a particular Hershey Kiss flavor is the best. The options were: milk chocolate, caramel, cookies & cream and dark chocolate. As you can imagine, this was a tough decision for our writers. After they completed their taste test, they began writing their persuasive piece to get readers to believe the chocolate they chose is definitely the best! 

We also took a vote and caramel was the class favorite. Tomorrow, we will share our writings and see if any of our opinions can be swayed.
Comparing the different flavors

Preparing for the taste test.
Getting ready to taste test

Taste Testing Has Begun

Deciding on the best Hershey Kiss flavor

Preparing for the taste test

Preparing for the taste test

We are looking forward to a great rest of the school year! Please check your Friday Folders this week for lots of important information, including a Class Newsletter and Report Cards.

1 comment:

  1. I heard all about this...what a fun way to get them interested! :)
