
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Social Studies Quarter 2

Starting next week we will be learning about different cultures and how various sources can help us learn about the past. Can your child please bring in one item that means a lot to them and is from their past on Monday, Sept. 28th? Please to not put your child's name on this item, we are going to try to use its clues to guess whose item it is and what it tells us about your child. If you can also put this item in a bag, so the other children won't see who brought it in. Can they also bring in a picture of their family as well for an activity we will do later on that week? If you or a family member is interested in being a "guest speaker" and would like to come in to talk about your culture and traditions, please contact me and I can go over specifics. Thank you for your help!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

First Quarter Conferences

We are approaching the end of the first quarter. Report cards will go home on September 25th. Please see the link below to sign up for a time slot to discuss your child's progress this quarter.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


The link below will take you to our class's Symbaloo Page. This is a page that I created that has all the links we utilize in class and might be helpful to have handy at home:

For the reading section of the daily homework, your child is more than welcome to use any of the online reading resources our school has access to (Tumble Books, Achieve 3,000, We Give Books, etc.). Please make sure they are still filling out a written response to the story they have read.

Homework Passes

We are starting to have a few birthdays this year! When it is your child's birthday they will receive a homework pass. This pass can be used for one night's homework. They can choose any night they would like throughout the year to use their homework pass. Please staple the homework pass to the homework packet by Friday of the week they choose. If your child has a birthday over track-out, they will receive it once they return. If your child has a birthday over our very last track-out, they will receive one before we track-out.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Our Soap Experiment

We had a great first day back! What better to get back into the swing of things than a science experiment? Today we put soap into the microwave and predicted what would happen. We assumed the solid soap would turn into a liquid, but the results were surprising...

We observed the soap before the experiment by passing it around.

We predicted what will happen to the soap when heated in the microwave.

We predicted what will happen to the soap when heated in the microwave.

We were ALL surprised the soap did not turn into a liquid! The soap stayed a solid, but the shape definitely changed. We learned that this happened because this soap had air in it and that helped it keep its state of matter of solid.

We loved touching the soap and everyone got to take some of it home--it can still be used as soap.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Scholastic Book Order

If you would like to order Scholastic News from the flyers that were sent home before track-out, please do so by September 14th. If you want another copy of the flyer, please let me know, as I have extras.