
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Math Centers

I'm excited to share we will be trying something new in math. We will be doing math centers. Here is how it will work. 

There will be 3 rotations each day: 
1-Intruction:I will meet with groups of 6-7 to provide daily instruction. 
2-Technology: The class will log-in to their Sumdog Account (they can also access this at home). They will play math "games." They will be enjoying the games, and as they answer the math questions that relate to the skills we are learning, the program will begin to personalize the questions to each child and focus on the skills that they need. I can also access their data and will be able to target the skills they need more practice with in the instruction group. They also will receive virtual coins for achievements and they can turn in to change their Sumdog avatars and community.
3-Practice Work-The class will be working on concepts already taught as well as reviewing the current lesson.

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